
Don't touch

Clean with soap and water

Stay out of the sun

No ammonia-based cleaners

  • Keep your hands off: When you first get your windows tinted, try not to touch them for at least a week. The tint needs time to stick properly, and touching it can make it peel off.
  • Use gentle soap and water: When it's time to clean your tinted windows, use a soft cloth and gentle soap and water. Avoid scrubbing too hard or using rough materials that could scratch the tint.
  • ​Stay out of the sun: Your new tinted windows might look cool in the sun, but too much sun can cause the tint to fade or peel. So try to park in the shade, or use a windshield sunshade to protect your windows.
  • ​No ammonia-based cleaners: some cleaning products have ammonia in them, and that can damage your tinted windows. So make sure you read the labels and look for cleaning products that are safe for tinted windows.

That's it! With these simple steps, you'll keep your tinted windows looking great for a long time.

How To Stay Cool With Your Windows Up

Dress light

Use a handheld fan

Use a cooling towel

Plan your route

Stay hydrated

Park in the shade

Hi there! You just got your windows tinted and are fighting the urge to roll down your windows. Maybe your AC is broken too. It might be tough, but here are some tips to help you out:

  • ​Wear light weight clothes: Wear clothes made from light, soft materials like cotton or bamboo. This can help keep you cool.
  • Use a little fan: If you're feeling too hot, a small fan with batteries can help cool you down by blowing some air around you.​
  • ​Try a cooling towel: A special towel you can wet with cold water can help cool you down quickly. Just put it on your neck or forehead.
  • ​Park in the shade: If you stop somewhere, try to park in a shady spot. This can help keep you and your car cool.
  • ​Drink water: Drink lots of water to keep you cool and healthy.
  • ​Drive at cooler times: Try to drive when it's not too hot outside, like in the morning or evening.

If you start to feel too hot or uncomfortable, you can always stop somewhere safe to take a break and cool down before you start driving again. Be careful and have fun on your drive!

10 Family Fun Car Games While You Wait For Your Tint To Dry

License Plate Game

20 Questions

I Spy

Alphabet Game

Car Bingo

The Name Game

Spot The Difference

Counting Game

Car Karaoke

Car Trivia

Remember car rides before cell phones? Looking for some fun car games to play while you wait for your newly tinted windows to dry? Look no further! These 10 games are perfect for passing the time and keeping you entertained while you wait:

  • ​License Plate Game: Look for license plates from different stats and try to spot all 50 states.
  • ​20 Questions: One player thinks of a car model, and the other players take turns asking yes or no questions until someone can guess the make and model.
  • ​I Spy: One player chooses an object within view and says, "I spy with my little eye something that is                                ." The other players take turns guessing what the object is until someone guess correctly.
  • ​Alphabet Game: Starting with the letter, "A" players take turns finding a word on a car or nearby object that starts with the next letter of the alphabet. For example, "A" for "antenna," "B" for "bumper," and so on.
  • ​Car Bingo: Create bingo cards with various car-related items such as stop sings, school buses, or red sports cars. The first player to get five in a rows wins.
  • ​The Name Game: One player names a car make, and the next player has to name a car make that starts with the last letter of the previous make. For example, "Ford" -> "Dodge" -> "Elantra" -> "Audi," and so on.
  • ​Spot The Difference: Two players compare two similar cars and try to spot as many differences as possible.
  • ​Counting Game: Players take turns choosing a type of vehicle (e.g., red cars or motorcycles) and count how many they see during a set amount of time. The player who counts the most wins.
  • ​Car Karaoke: One player picks a song and starts singing it, while the other players take turns joining in with the lyrics. The group can compete to see who can sing the loudest or most accurately.
  • ​Car Trivia: One player ask a car-related trivia question, and the other players take turns answering. For example, "What was the first car to offer seat belts as a standard feature?" (Answer: The 1958 Saab GT750). You can keep score and see who gets the most answer correct at the end of the game.

Playing car games while waiting for your window tint to dry can be a fun way to pass the time. So, the next time you're stuck waiting for your window tint to dry, try playing one of these car games and see how much fun you can have!